Fee Structure

Capsule Packaging and Shipping

Each Capsule Packaging and Shipping transaction utilizes a Capsule NFT. As such, the cost of a shipment will always be the cost of Capsule NFT Minting Fee + Native Chain Gas Fees. Capsule Packaging and Shipping transfer fees below include the Capsule NFT Minting fee.

Gasless Transfer is a subset of regular transfer, with the recipient of the transaction set to the Capsule Relay.

Modifying a Capsule Packaging and Shipping transfer incurs no fee and only costs native chain gas fees.


To support infrastructure and overhead, the Capsule Protocol places a small fee on Capsule Collection deployment and Capsule NFT minting.

Fees are equal on every chain deployed (Ethereum mainnet, Optimism).

NOTE: Each fee is independent of Ethereum gas fees.

Last updated